How Hudl Helped Sydney FC to success

Three-time Australian A-League cham­pi­ons Sydney FC place a huge empha­sis on video analy­sis as part of their win­ning culture.

Here’s how Hudl brings video, data and com­mu­ni­ca­tions togeth­er for them in a sin­gle platform.

Finishing top of the table in the in the 2017⁄18 sea­son, Sydney FC are enjoy­ing a suc­cess­ful peri­od, with play­er feed­back play­ing a key role in that success.

A crit­i­cal part of their analy­sis process is how they share and dis­trib­ute video and data across the full range of senior and acad­e­my teams, includ­ing play­ers, man­agers and coaches.

Sydney FC’s gen­er­al man­ag­er of foot­ball oper­a­tions Terry McFlynn explains how Hudl’s plat­form brings video, data and team com­mu­ni­ca­tion togeth­er effectively.

“Hudl is an extreme­ly impor­tant part of our process in terms of cap­tur­ing the footage from train­ing, cap­tur­ing footage from games, review­ing it and for­mu­lat­ing a plan to improve on that,” said McFlynn.

“The abil­i­ty to share that with coach­es and play­ers means every­one is on the same page mov­ing forward.”

Head of football analysis Justin McMahon’s weekly workflow includes providing video feedback to a range of senior and academy teams.

With many acad­e­my play­ers not full time, he relies on Hudl’s plat­form to dis­trib­ute and com­mu­ni­cate with Sydney’s up and com­ing stars.

“The work­flows are real­ly effi­cient in terms of being able to pro­duce con­tent for oth­er play­ers with­in our sys­tem that we don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly have day-to-day access to, and it’s very effi­cient for those play­ers to be able to view things that we have put togeth­er,” said McMahon.

In terms of match analy­sis, McMahon and his team place a huge empha­sis on feed­back through video, and the way that informs play­ers’ decision-making.

“We can get infor­ma­tion from a whole mul­ti­tude of sta­tis­ti­cal plat­forms. We will use that to then go and con­sult the video, and sit play­ers down and show them what they have done in real match sit­u­a­tions,” said McMahon.

“Ultimately, the video doesn’t lie.”

Current first team play­er and acad­e­my grad­u­ate Cameron Devlin is a great exam­ple of a play­er whose devel­op­ment has thrived through the use of video analy­sis, which the club uses from Under-13 and up.

“We use video analy­sis at this club every sin­gle day, so for me per­son­al­ly, I’ll go home and clip my games, and go to every sin­gle touch and every sin­gle tack­le that I played a part in and then the things that I am doing wrong, or that I am doing right, you look at it how you could do it bet­ter,” said Devlin.

“Obviously a big part of the game is what you do on the pitch, but as soon as you get off the pitch, look­ing at video, look­ing at what you can do bet­ter is how you improve.”

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